
Home / Give

1. Online:

First Baptist Church of San Marcos (FBCSM) has online giving available to those who prefer the ease of it. FBCSM offers online giving only as a convenience and not as a way to circumvent sound biblical money management principles or in any way to incur debt. FBCSM aims to create a culture that is wise in resources and generous in faith. We are committed to outreach and believe in supporting the local church through tithes and offerings.


2. In person:

Every Sunday we pass the offering plate. You can pick up a giving envelope from the welcome desk if you would like to specifically designate your offering. You are also welcome to bring your offering by to our church office throughout the week.


3. By mail:

You are welcome to send your donation in by mail. If so please use with the following address:

First Baptist Church of San Marcos
Attn: Financial Secretary
102 Wonder World Dr. #304-176
San Marcos, TX 78666

Electronic checks or eChecks can also be set up through your Bill Pay within your Bank Checking Account. With this type of submission, it is safe, convenient and is sent free of charge to you. This is a great way to submit your contribution and reduce the cost to the church in processor fees. We encourage you to consider making your contribution using your bank’s online bill pay service. The church incurs no fees for this form of contribution.

NOTE: If you choose to use your bank’s online bill pay service, this form of contribution is not associated with our online service provider. It is solely set up by you through your financial institution.

If you have questions regarding giving, please contact Lisa Livingston, Financial Secretary, at 512.392.3377 or E-mail.
