
Home / Ministries / Adults



The largest of all our adult ministries happens on Sunday morning when we have our weekly Bible Fellowship Hour at 9:30am and 11:00am. These in-depth Bible Studies vary from lecture classes to small group discussion classes. Some classes use video for their curriculum while others have teachers. The groups are divided into suggested age groups but no one is required to attend any particular class.
For a listing of our Bible Fellowship Hour classes, click below


On Wednesday evenings we have seminars for the adults. These may range from parenting classes, video classes like Experiencing God or Beth Moore Bible studies, book Bible studies, new member classes, spiritual growth classes, mission training, language classes, and much more. We offer these classes twice a year in the fall and spring.



Senior Adult Retreat

The senior adults of First Baptist Church go on a two-day staycation at First Baptist Church in May. At this retreat, senior adults enjoy table games, outdoor activities, great meals, worship, and lessons from a variety of guest speakers each year. It is a full two days of laughter and good times together.

Women′s Retreat

Every spring semester we hold a Saturday retreat for women of all ages. It has been at various locations, but at every Women’s retreat you can expect a great speaker, fellowship, worship, crafts and food! It is a great way to way to be refreshed from your daily routine.

Marriage / Parent Retreat

In February or early March, we host a weekend Marriage or Parent retreat, rotating between the two each year. These retreats are video driven with discussion led by Pastor Chad that will equip and edify you in your relationships. Childcare is provided as well as refreshments and workbooks. These retreats are held at FBC and are not overnight. Watch our calendar for details about these events.
